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  1. typedef struct _PLUGIN_TASK_INFO
        DWORD pid;
        double cpu;
        double ram;
        double paged;
        double handles;
        double threads;
        char name[MAX_PATH];
   Task page structure.
   pid - Row ID.
   cpu - First column contents.
   ram - Second column contents.
   paged - Third column contents.
   handles - Fourth column contents.
   threads - Fifth column contents.
  2. typedef struct _PLUGIN_WINDOW_INFO
        HANDLE hwindow;
        char caption[255];
        HICON icon;
   Windows page structure.
   hwindow - Row ID.
   caption - Second column contents.
   icon - First column icon.
  3. typedef struct _PLUGIN_FUNCTIONS
        PLUGIN_FUNCTION func;
        char menuname[255];
        HICON icon;
        int user_data;
   Main menu functions.
   func - Plugin function.
   menuname - Menu item caption.
   icon - Menu item icon.
   user_data - Parameter of PLUGIN_FUNCTION.
  4. typedef struct _TASK_FUNCTIONS
        TASK_FUNCTION func;
        char menuname[255];
   Menu of Tasks page.
   func - Plugin function.
   menuname - Menu item caption.
  5. typedef struct _WINDOW_FUNCTIONS
        WINDOW_FUNCTION func;
        char menuname[255];
   Menu of Windows page.
   func - Plugin function.
   menuname - Menu item caption.
  6. typedef struct _OWN_GRID
        char caption[255];
        int col_width;
   Own table.
   caption - Column caption.
   col_width - Column width.
  7. typedef struct _OWN_GRID_STYLES
        bool bold;
        bool italic;
        DWORD text_color;
        DWORD back_color;
        char font[255];
        int font_size;
   Own table style.
   bold - Bold font.
   italic - Italic font.
   text_color - Font color (COLORREF).
   back_color - Cell color (COLORREF).
   font - Font name.
   font_size - Font size.
  7. typedef struct _OWN_PAGE
        char page_caption[255];
        int column_count;
        int grid_row_height;
        int grid_first_row_height;
        int font_size;
        char font[255];
        int first_row_font_size;
        char first_row_font;
        bool show_v_line;
        bool show_h_line;
        OWN_GRID *grid;
   Own page.
   page_caption - Page caption.
   column_count - Count of columns in thó table.
   grid_row_height - Row height.
   grid_first_row_height - First row height.
   font_size - Font size.
   font - Font name.
   first_row_font_size - Font size in the first row.
   first_row_font - First row font.
   show_v_line - Vertical lines are drawn to separate the scrollable columns in the grid.
   show_h_line - Horizontal lines are drawn to separate the scrollable rows in the grid.
  8. typedef struct _OWN_FUNCTIONS
        OWN_FUNCTION func;
        char menuname[255];
   Popup menu of the own grid.
   func - Plugin function.
   menuname - Caption.